
Shungite High Pyramid Natural 100% Rare Stone EMF Protection Tolvu only real




Where to buy real Shungite? In our store:
Shungite Tolvu
you will find more than 60 different items from genuine Shungite.
Now the market is full of imitations or low quality shungite, but You can be sure you will get from us only real and highest quality shungite, because We live in Karelia it’s the only region on earth where mined this unique stone! We are not resellers, we have own processing factory of shungite. We guarantee you that you will get from us only real Shungite.
Pyramids can be made of various materials, as well as have different proportions. The impact strength of the pyramid depends on its size, angle of rise above the surface, as well as material from which it is made. This pyramid and all products in our store made only of the unique shungite stone, Zazhogino.
Zazhogino, this is the only place in the world, where is mined the unique shungite.
Such shape of this pyramid is not accidental. It was designed by the legendary Russian scientist – Alexander Goloda.It is believed that this pyramid is able to change the structure of space around it. Pyramid Goloda are widely used for harmonizing residential and workplaces, as it helps to eliminate the impact the negative field resulting from the negative emotions, anger, resentment.As a rule, the appearance in the room only one pyramid provides a favorable work and relax the situation.
In today’s world where everyone has a TV, refrigerator, computer, mobile phone, is hard to escape yourself from the harmful effects of emf.
Polished shungite have a nice shine and reflect light, do not stain hands. Unpolished shungite have a matte surface and natural color (black with golden inclusions), stain hands.
Please note that each our product is unique as it’s handmade, so the size, weight and color of product may be slightly different from product on the picture and description. All our products made only of real schungite.
If you have any questions or suggestions please contact us and we will reply to you the shortest time possible.